Couple therapy

Couple therapy

Doing couples therapy represents showing love for the other person, and respect for oneself. Recognizing dissatisfaction and relational conflict indicates the authentic interest in making resolutions that end suffering, doubts and disagreements. Therefore, it is a smart decision; because whatever the result of the therapy may be (continuing the relationship -enriched, improved and aired-; or calmly severing the bond and being grateful for what has been experienced), it is undoubtedly the most effective way of acting for the good of everybody.
Knowing what COUPLE THERAPY consists of can help make the decision to ask for help earlier, instead of waiting for the relationship to wear down to the point of provoking situations of violent confrontations, either by word or deed. or any other undesirable negative situation, which will only aggravate the discomfort, generating greater skepticism regarding the possibility of a solution. Hence, it is best to know who to turn to and what are the steps to follow to begin the process of ending the conflict. It is important that both members of the couple agree to do joint therapy, because if not, its effectiveness will be minimal, or even null, because no matter how much one person learns to "change", if the other member does not collaborates the relationship does not improve effectively. In COUPLE THERAPY, some explicit rules are established to be followed during the sessions, and as the most important: the turn to speak. It is vital to listen to both versions of the same event, since the perceptions, the way of feeling it and the actions taken can be very different. In this way the discussion cannot develop. The first thing is: Request an appointment: (The day and time of the next therapeutic meetings can be changed, maintaining the same periodicity. In general, once a week or fortnightly, depending on the case. First Consultation: This consultation lasts of two hours. It is longer than the others, which will last an hour and a half. In it, each component of the couple will have their turn to express themselves about what worries, annoys or hurts them (in other words, the reason of consultation), as well as we will take biographical data that can help to better understand where each one comes from. We will also see what are the goals that each one wants to achieve in therapy, and to what degree each component of the couple is willing to put your part, and to what degree your emotions are involved.. Following consultations: From the second consultation we begin to give recommendations for action while we continue to listen and evaluate negative feelings, complaints, and ma We are pleased that the couple has -communication problems, sexuality, in-laws, a feeling of lack of attention, overwork, loss of interest, infidelity- and its consequences in the family environment -children and daily coexistence-, as well as gathering information about the assessment that one has of the other, that is, the positive aspects that each one feels and perceives. The couple is in crisis and the high degree of emotional dysfunction is palpable; For this reason, it is important to understand and accept that although there is a high degree of nervousness, difficulty speaking, lack of clarity or reluctance during the therapeutic sessions, the other person -the couple-, is attending the consultation, so they are already showing their interest, which on many occasions is the most that can be done, until the therapeutic process itself helps to undo knots, clarify situations, and improve the level of communication, which is one of the most basic factors in any relationship. At times, we see a need for one or both partners to attend individual therapy in addition to couples therapy. If this is not possible, for some reason, there will be sessions dedicated to talking with a single member, in fact this type of practice is also part of COUPLE THERAPY. Completion of the Consultations As the couple experiences an improvement in their relationship, the consultations become more distant, remaining even in mere homework review sessions, and innovative approaches once a month or once every two months, until the time of therapeutic discharge when the couple no longer needs to return. Thus, the consultations end when the marked therapeutic objectives are being met, that is, when the perception of relational reestablishment is evident by both components of the couple, and there is a positive experience, both of their therapeutic encounters and of their daily life. . There is an erroneous belief that a COUPLE THERAPY serves -by obligation- for the purpose of uniting the couple that was separated; and that is, without a doubt, his first goal. Now, it may be the case that the couple has come to the conclusion, having delved into their desires, feelings and opinions, that it is best to separate; which will also be valid, since COUPLE THERAPY has served to make a decision that otherwise would not have been allowed due to fear, guilt, or ignorance of how to do it in a respectful, rational, friendly way). A COUPLE THERAPY can last from 6 to 8 months, and in the most difficult cases from 10 months to a year and a half, taking into account those review sessions we were talking about.
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